keskiviikko 8. kesäkuuta 2016

A self-admitted gang stalker describes how they operate

A person who claims to be a gang stalker himself describes how they operate. The targets are divided into four different categories:

I do, however, know a great deal about the targeting process. When we get targets, we divide them into four categories: mercenary, practice, planning, and enemy. Mercenary targets are bought by outside parties. We advertise under a range of guises, from ads by "individuals" claiming to be able to kidnap people, to practical jokers. Some groups, like big corporations and some governments (the government of Xxxxxx pays us to keep some people busy, so do the Xxxxxxs when they have too many people protesting whaling) know fully well what sort of services we do, so we don't really hide them…

The second type of target is the practice target. We use them to train mobs. The targets do not actually change, because we do not want TOO many people fighting back at us. But we do rotate trainees between practice targets. This stops the person seeing the same people every time there is a street show.

Then there are planning targets. These are selected by the syndicate for some reason or other but are not paid for by mercenaries. You can usually tell the difference between planning and practice targets because they send people with experience after them. They are still chosen by the same people, though. The practice ones are, of course, chosen for their timidity. I do not know how the planning ones are chosen.

Enemy targets are people that decide they have had enough and turn against us. Since they protest and try to foil our plans (which, considering that our jobs are already nervy, is a real pain in the arse), we try to really give them hell.

I don’t know what my status was at the beginning of the overt harassment campaign, but I’m most certainly now considered an ”enemy target” because I’m fighting back. The torture level electronic harassment started after I began writing this blog, before that it was mostly low intensity irradiation that caused the vibrating sensation throughout the body, which is what other targeted individuals often complain about, too. 

But like I said, now "electronic torture" is a more fitting name for what I have to endure. A few weeks ago I got severely tortured for 8 or 9 days in a row, symptoms including strong burning sensation especially on my feet, but also other body parts, tingling and discomfort in my genitals, tingling sensations all over the skin, and crawling sensations under the skin, headache, discomfort in the head area, pain in my joints, numbing and pain in my arms, and buzzing ears.

Here’s more about how the enemy targets are dealt with:

It would be suspicious if big corporations funded groups like this, but they can invest money into front-groups. And the majority of the syndicate's work is done through completely legitimate fronts. We can tap phone lines and access people's records from behind government agencies. Usually, these are the guys that go after Enemy Targets. Normally, harassment is organized under several "action policies." If a target is not an enemy, a standard policy is enforced. Low level organizers (the aforementioned "playwrights") play around with the target for a while and rotate crews.

When a target is an "enemy," the policy does not immediately change, but orders filter down from high-level organizers (usually the Supreme Council) which direct 'Thespians' to provoke the target or a similar action, and Moneybags to crack down on them once they get in the way of the system. This is called Mincing, because the thespians lure the "meat" (by making it complain or fight back) into the "mincer."

How people are lured into participating in gang stalking:

There are also ranks in our syndicate. The lowest members are pawns. They are not technically members, because there is no permanent service contract and they do not know they are working for us…

Recruits, however, are aware of a conspiracy. However, they still remain at a misinformed level. We simultaneously maintain teams of "religious" actors and "punk" actors. A person might join us thinking he is going to clean up the community. Another person might join us thinking he is going to cause trouble and anarchy. And they can go about their merry ways.

We even deliver information to them in different ways. To the religious ones, it is wrapped up in prophecy and revelation. To the punks, it is given a communist candy coating. However, they are all aware that the group is large.

They are also aware of a mutual benefit aspect to the operation. Only greedy un-idealistic people get beyond the recruit rank…

Recruits perform tasks that they know are illegal, or immoral, but they still generally believe that they are doing it for a reason.

Managers like me come above the recruits and do some actual organization, whether leading a crew to a street theater match or planning an attack. Generally, managers know everything about the syndicate except what its goal is. Most are greedy enough to accept that it is not a morally motivated group. We also engage in communication with other Bureaus to co-ordinate our activites.

Read the whole article here:

4 kommenttia:

  1. a commenter on you tube named: target handler, is dangerous. you tube commenter named: target handler, is a crook.

    1. Yes, I've seen his comments on many targeted individual videos, constantly spouting nonsense about targeted individuals being mentally ill. Likely a paid troll?

    2. You’re a bunch of bitchy ass cowards, i’m An atheist bud all of you will be my in the next life! I t’s good to know that you are all TIs in waiting and you’re so dumb you don’t even know!

  2. Yo their just climbing technicians .. radio towers . cowards for sure tho. Gang stalking is shockingly real. Targeted individual.. funny how nobody can figure out or explAin how a targeted individual can hear the frequency waves .. mind jumps to conclusions .. think logicAlly. Even if it sounds crazy . Thoughts, or brain waves can be picked up by frequency towers.. this guy up here is full of shit.
