The three types of bystanders in gang stalking:
1. Attacker Bystander. The bystander that wants to attack the target once but has a life. He also usually believes the target deserves the attack (on the side of the attacker, friend, family, acquaintance is the best bet).
2. Flow Bystander. The bystander wants to go on with his life and just live within the margins, and not looking to whether or not the target deserves it. Does not care, but would not attack the target unless forced to.
3. Compassionate Bystander. He sees the target in pity and wants to stop the attack. But if he does he could move into the column of target and be destroyed with the other target(s). Usually has a high moral sense and can not believe in the new normal or the new morals that have been created in society to allow these attacks.
Organisoitu vainoaminen ja elektroninen häirintä Suomessa. Gang stalking and electronic harassment in Finland.
torstai 17. syyskuuta 2015
tiistai 15. syyskuuta 2015
A modern day crucifixion
"So call it a modern day crucifixion. Call it a stoning in the pubic square. Call it senseless violence true ignorance. Call it gang-stalking. This is a conspiracy, a persecution. This is hate-crime and I am a victim. I am under attack for my beliefs one of which is that my life is nobody’s business but my own. My life is my life. So I rebuke all judgments that are based on a violation of privacy. Any judgment based on an invasion/violation of privacy cannot be valid. This is a “Right to Privacy” issue first and foremost no matter how outdated the concept has become. Secondly, this gang-stalking is more about a sadistic mindset and the desire to inflict pain and misery. If religion is mentioned it is done so only as an attempt to justify this position of active hate and there can be no justification for hate. God does not sanction hate. This is a modern day crucifixion however it has nothing to do with religion or righteousness. This is in fact quite the opposite and so I rebuke all judgments that are based on a violation of privacy. And so it is."
A statement by a targeted individual
A statement by a targeted individual
torstai 3. syyskuuta 2015
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